About Us

Since 1947 , the community has been served by United Christian Hospital, a not-for-profit institution. The hospital strives to deliver high-quality treatment in a caring and patient-centered setting. The hospital, one of the busiest in the city, treats more than 100,000 patients from Lahore and the province of Punjab each year. The success of United Christian Hospital depends on its ability to attentively and effectively treat such a huge number of patients with high-quality care.

Message from Medical Director

I'd like to extend a warm welcome to you on behalf of the administration and myself at United Christian Hospital Lahore.

Our goal is to foster a culture of positive healthcare that is reflected in our compassion, the caliber of our services, and our relentless pursuit of patient satisfaction.

As part of our mission to serve the community, we have long sought to forge bonds of harmony and friendship between healthcare professionals and our employees.

We devote our resources to supporting our doctors and all of our staff members in their daily tasks, assisting them in realizing their full potential and creating and upholding the highest standards of service excellence.

Additionally, we have known for a long time that the community should benefit from our healthcare expertise, knowledge, and resources. In order to address primary and secondary prevention in all pathologies and disciplines, we continue to create new programmes.

No one chooses to be ill, but if you require medical attention of any kind, we hope you will select UCH as your facility due to its reputation for superior clinical outcomes, its amenities, and its welcoming atmosphere. We are the local hospital in the center of your city.

We have teams of doctors, nurses, healthcare workers, and managers who are qualified and experienced.We strive to offer better amenities than what you would find in any other local hospital in addition to excellent medical care.A significant financial investment made over the past few years has improved the UCH patient's experience with care, cleanliness, and comfort.

90% of patient complaints in hospitals are related to inadequate communication, according to research. At United Christian Hospital, we are committed to making sure such is not the case and do our best to keep you fully informed at all times. However, if you ever have any worries, don't be afraid to go to a staff member. Most importantly, don't wait until you have left the building to provide us with feedback. We will always try to address any issues you may have straight away.

Message from Administrator